Application to Join Forever Living Products as an FBO

You are registering into Singapore store.

Application to join Forever Living Products to be a new member, to enjoy discounts.

Please note that a membership number is assigned by the system.  It is activated / usable upon the company's verification that the SGD40 is successfully credited.

The new member's sponsor cannot be changed for at least 6 months upon signing up.

Type the code shown to the right


I had read and agree to the terms and conditons.

Communication Disclosure

Sharing limited contact information with others who are part of Forever’s business will help facilitate and grow your own Forever business. Accordingly, you agree to the disclosure of the limited contact information you provide to Forever, including information regarding your Forever purchases (but excluding payment card information), to Forever’s internal and authorized service providers, including Forever’s independent business owners. BY SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION OR MAKING A PURCHASE, YOU ALSO AUTHORIZE FOREVER AND ITS INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNERS TO POTENTIALLY CONTACT YOU BY PHONE, FAX, MAIL, AND/OR E-MAIL CONCERNING FOREVER-RELATED MATTERS.

UPDATING PREFERENCES: Although we recommend you continue to share limited contact information with others who are part of Forever’s business, you can visit your “Email and Phone Preferences” and/or the “Privacy Notice” at any time to limit the use/disclosure of your contact information.

Purchase Starter Kit

Shipping is free for the first order.



    Sponsor Information
    Your sponsor will be:
    ID# 200002549228
    Personal Information
    * Surname As in IC/Passport (Click here to view Example)
    * Name As in IC/Passport 
    * Birthdate
    Day Month Year
    * Primary IC #
    * Preference Language

    Contact Information
    * Address
    * City
    * State/Province
    * Country
    * Postal Code
    * Phone #
    Handphone #
    * Email
    * Confirm Email:
    Once you enter your Information and you click Verify Address, then click on Next to Proceed to next Step.

    My Information
    *click on radio button below to open the Bonus Payment Section

    * Gender: 
    * Race: 
    - Bonus Payment Details - Direct Deposit
    Deposit my Forever bonus into a personal bank account.
    * Account Name
    * Account #
    * Bank Name
    * Bank Code:
    * Branch Code: Click here to view the Bank/ Branch Code Guide.
    Product Shipping Options
    •   Ship
    •   Pick up
    •   Ship to Other Address
    • Address:
    • City:
    • Province: SGP
    • Country:: SGP
    Error validating address
    * Address
    * City
    * State/Province
    * Country
    * Postal Code

    • Address:
    • City:
    • Province: SGP
    • Postal Code:
    • Country:: SGP