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Souhlasím s podmínkami.

Communication Disclosure

Sharing limited contact information with others who are part of Forever’s business will help facilitate and grow your own Forever business. Accordingly, you agree to the disclosure of the limited contact information you provide to Forever, including information regarding your Forever purchases (but excluding payment card information), to Forever’s internal and authorized service providers, including Forever’s independent business owners. BY SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION OR MAKING A PURCHASE, YOU ALSO AUTHORIZE FOREVER AND ITS INDEPENDENT BUSINESS OWNERS TO POTENTIALLY CONTACT YOU BY PHONE, FAX, MAIL, AND/OR E-MAIL CONCERNING FOREVER-RELATED MATTERS.

UPDATING PREFERENCES: Although we recommend you continue to share limited contact information with others who are part of Forever’s business, you can visit your “Email and Phone Preferences” and/or the “Privacy Notice” at any time to limit the use/disclosure of your contact information.

Údaje sponzora
Váš sponzor bude:
ID# 480000100782
Osobní údaje
* Jméno
* Příjmení
* Datum narození
Den Měsíc Rok
* Jazyk Newsletteru

Kontaktní údaje
* Adresa
* Město
* Stát
* Země
* Telefon
* Email
* Potvrzení Emailu: